Who we are

About Traffic Law Stop

St. Louis law firm Traffic Law Stop℠ has handled thousands of legal cases with satisfied clients. Our traffic attorneys can help you on a wide variety of traffic law, criminal law, DWI, drug possession and other legal matters.

Our traffic ticket lawyers work go get you no points and no insurance increases. Use our traffic ticket center to get your traffic tickets fixed! Click~Pay~Done! We handle traffic tickets online 24/7, by phone, or at our office in Brentwood, Missouri.
Our firm handles traffic tickets, DWIs, and other charges in Missouri including St. Louis City and County, Jefferson County, Franklin County, St. Charles, Kansas City, and virtually every other jurisdiction in Missouri. We also handle Illinois traffic tickets. Whether it is a city ticket, a highway patrol ticket, or a state level traffic ticket, we can help.

Traffic Law Stop handles DWI and DUI charges for Missouri and Illinois residents. Whether you were charged with DWI or DUI in a routine traffic stop, or as a result of a sobriety checkpoint, our DWI lawyers will look at the facts surrounding your case and work to get the best possible outcome for you.